Tuesday 19 April 2011

Baked Rissotto Capsicum (bell peppers)

This Dish took me ten min of preperation and about 20  min of baking. 
It turned out really yummy. Of course I always improvise on the recipe and you can do too. I have no set ways of making any particular dish...just have an idea and the gut feeling that it would turn out ok.. here's what I used...
 3 bell peppers
75 grm grated cheddar cheese
1 sml bowl of cooked basmati rice
3/4 cereal bowl frozen corn
1 big tomato blanched and pureed
3-4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 onion
1 tbsp Olive oil
Fresh herb----basil, Sweet majoram, Majoram, Coriander leaves

---Thaw the frozen corn by placing in the microwave for a min. 

----Cut the bell peppers horizontally and remove out all the seeds.

-----Saute the onion and garlic in some of the oil, add the corn and rice. Add salt and finally add the pureed tomato. leave it on the stove until its all mixed, for about 2 min, add the herbs.(You may add some cheese too if you wish)

----take one of the cut peppers(capsicums) and fill some cheddar cheese, add the rice mix and top it with some more cheese. Repeat with all the rest of the peppers. Arrange them in a pre-oiled dish.

-----bake at 200 deg C for 20 min...

Enjoy...bon appetet... 

1 comment:

  1. hey akka,how come you didn't use the rissotto rice for this????
